• Contributing to achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030, and government’s priorities in the field of sustainable environmental development.
  • Contributing to achieve Egyptian National Climate Change Strategy 2050 goals.
  • Enhancing carbon foot print & carbon credit market.
  •  Application of integrated environmental management systems.
  • Providing distinguished services in the fields of environmental services and integrated management of all types of waste (collection, transportation, treatment, and safe disposal.
  • Providing specialized measurements for environment elements (air, water & soil) by accredited & certified technicians & equipment.
  • Assist is in providing institutional structure for different entities (private & governmental) sectors.
  • Develop mitigation action studies for greenhouse gases emissions in different sectors .
  •  Providing distinguished services in the fields of environmental and specialized studies and consultations.
  • Building partnerships with specialized entities to establish environmental projects.
  •  Implementing pioneering environmental projects to improve the environment & communities.
  • Develop systems for integrated management to utilize waste and raise the rate of recycling and investment in this field.
  • Providing the best practical and scientific solutions for facilities using the best methods and modern technologies to protect natural resources, taking into account the economic aspects and goals of the facility.
  • Providing training services to raise the efficiency of the human element and qualify it to work in all elements of the environmental system
  • Helping to enhance economic competitiveness in Egypt and Africa.
  • Increasing direct and indirect employment opportunities.
  •  Improving the quality of life in all urban and rural areas.