• Specialized training centers (to train work personnel in various fields to follow environmental systems and procedures and provide awareness to all actors in those fields).
  • Institutional capacity building (training in all fields).
  • Environmental awareness and education.
  • Community participation to solve some environmental problems and crises.
  • Providing training and consulting services for occupational safety and health (HSE) Training according to OSHA, IEPS, IRCA:
  • Management Systems Preparation and consultation
  • Safety Systems and manual preparation, Risk assessment
  • Hazardous Area Classification and process safety
  • Civil Defense and Fire Fighting and Fire Alarm Systems Solutions – Design, Supervision and installation of Fire Fighting and Fire Alarm Systems
  • Granting special certificates – ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 5001, ISO 22000, API Spec Q1, API Spec Q2.
  • Calibration, engineering tests and auditing of equipment:
  • For calibration: temperature, pressure, mass, balance, mechanical dimensions, torque, force, gases, electricity, flow and viscosity.
  • For tests: hydraulic pressure testing of pipes, hoses, flanges, valves and vessels
  • Verification and qualification: thermal verification, clean room validation, and HVAC system validation.
  • Validation, sterilization validation
  • Repair: BOP control unit, pressure test unit, valves, gauges, rotary couplings
  • Compressed air testing according to compressed air standard ISO 8573:
  • Mechanical and vibration tests
  • Electrical and compliance testing: hard wiring testing, PAT testing, and emergency lighting
  • Testing, ground measuring, thermal imaging service, remedial works and LED lighting.